20/20 Vision

A new year, a new decade, another opportunity to abandon unproductive old-ways, and establish new foundations of discipline.  Last year, my son and I built a pull-up bar in our backyard.  Excited to display our manliness, we both grabbed the bar and struggled to complete even one pull-up. We didn’t give up.  Three times per day, we would struggle, strain, and help each other complete a few pull-ups.  Two weeks later, we were able to accomplish five or six with style, and no outside help.  

I learned through this process, that the discipline of consistency, produces amazing results in a short amount of time.  Whether it is learning to play an instrument, writing a script, or physical fitness, the act of making small advances daily, adds up to life-changing outcomes.  Commit your efforts to complete those goals that have eluded you for so long!  ©RSJ